Thursday, July 5, 2012

This year the Coles family entered the Centerville City 4th of July parade.

 Meet this years 4th of July trains conductors, Joe and Jaden.

 James got a picture with his favorite super hero. Excuse the giant T-shirt.
They didn't have any left in his size.

 The crowd was so fun. There was a sweet boy at the end and he was mouthing and whispering blow the horn over and over and then Jaden blew the horn and this little boys face lit up. He was wearing a conductors hat. It was sweet watching him! I wish we could have given him a ride.

 Sydney was not shy with that thing. She kept the crowd cheering the whole time with "If you want to hear the horn then scream!"
 Savannah passed out flyers for our upcoming events.
 Sierra and Luke. Luke sums up how we felt after our long day. I didn't get pictures of our swimming or the bar-b-q.

 Bryson Barker along for the ride!
 This was the float behind us in the parade. Eli kept staring and pointing at this train. I kept telling him he was riding in a train too.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ok back to the blog. I seem to have turned my facebook into a blog so I will now mostly write my thoughts on here. I don't think most of facebook always wants to read everything I'm thinking.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

New York 2009

Yellowstone 2009

The Coles 8 have a Blog !

The date is January 31st
I guess my first post is a Coles family update. We have Joe who is really old and Cherri who is still young. Savannah is 10 1/2.Very important to have the half. Sierra who is 9 and 31 days. Sydney is 7 and James is 4 going to be five in March. Jaden is 2 and Eli comes in March.